在圣诞节来临之际,我校师生为我们的姊妹学校英国国王中学全力录制了一个圣诞祝福集锦的视频。视频中,韩军校长风度翩翩地出现在荧屏上,真诚祝贺国王中学全体师生圣诞快乐,并祝愿两校友谊地久天长!在两校进行互访期间参与其中的教师们也纷纷在视频里送上祝福,其中包括2010年访英教师李学锋和两名2011年访英学生,2011年访英教师郑慧敏、王蕾,2012年访英教师马芳、焦阳。高二外语组的全体英语教师也热情地献上了温馨的圣诞祝福!高一2班的同学们在张彪老师的带领下,在小花园里为国王中学整齐地献上了圣诞歌曲《We Wish You A Merry Christmas》及圣诞和新年祝词。高一17班的同学们在操场上欢快地唱起了《铃儿响叮当》,兴奋地对国王中学的师生喊出“Merry Christmas!Welcome to China!”。高二12班全体同学在王建军老师的导演指挥下热烈地鼓掌恭贺国王中学圣诞快乐,新年快乐。整个视频的准备、编辑、制作及剪辑离不开网络信息管理处闫飞老师的努力支持与帮助!
Dear Principal Han,
Thank you SO VERY MUCH for the surprise Christmas message from your students and staff. It was a delight to watch, and I am so grateful for all the hard work of those involved – in the preparation, in the presentation, in the filming and editing.
Your act of generosity has humbled me, and I am reminded, once again, of the strengthening bond of friendship between our two schools, even though we are on other side of the world to one another. Despite the 8,000 kilometres between us, I feel our friendship and mutual understanding is drawing us closer together.
Today is our last day of term. All of my students and staff are very much looking forward to the Christmas holidays and to spending time with their families. We all send you best wishes of joy and peace at this time.
With my grateful thanks, once again,
Chris Drew
Chris Drew